About InfoInsiders

InfoInsiders wants to be a reference for everyone who likes financial market's world. Our mission is to make available to our users the latest information to help their decision-making on financial markets.

About the Blogger: Efrén Cánibe Olveira

InfoInsiders is my first venture like blogger, the main goal is to be able to help everyone who wants to know a little more about markets, bring our users a serial of forex analysis, simulations and lastest analysis tools. A success would be to help a person but, more than this,I think it would be nice if everyone could take advantage of using this website. I'll work as hard as I can to bring the latest techniques and rigorous analysis.

Something about me?
I am a student of 4th year of Business Managment at USC(University of Santiago de Compostela) who like stock markets, forex markets and other ways investment.I have a restless mind and I'm always thinking about new business ideas and how-to-do. To think I would be an enterpreneur makes me feel great, but it's just the begining.